Teconer will participate in the following events during 2022:
08.-11.02.2022 PIARC World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress, Calgary, CA (virtual event)
10.-13.04.2022 2022 North American Snow Conference – Pittsburgh, PA
14.04.2022 Nationaal Gladheidbestrijdingscongres. Nijkerk, NL
29.04.-04.05.2022 2022 International Aviation Snow Symposium, Buffalo, USA
14.-16.06.2022 SIRWEC, Druskininkai, LT
24.-25.08.2022 Road Congress, Tampere, Finland
13.-15.09.2022 SWIFT, Montreal Airport, CA
28.-30.09.2022 Western Snow&Ice Conference and National Snow Roadeo, CO, USA
11.-13.10.2022 Meteorological Technology World Expo, Paris, FR
We will be glad to meet with our clients and partners face-to-face and virtually at these events! We will update the event list during the year.